As if parents of teens don’t have enough to worry about, add to the list concern over their kids getting enough sleep to avoid injury.
Why you may want to replace your sports drink with a banana

New study suggests banana offers many performance benefits.
So, you’ve got an intense workout planned–a run, bike ride, or gym session–what do you take for in-activity fuel? Sports drink, gels, chews, bars?
Rise in volleyball ankle injuries points to large problem-chronic injury in high school athletes

By Richard Hayes, MD, Great Basin Orthopaedics
There are twenty public and ten private high schools in Northern Nevada.
News study affirms Great Basin Orthopaedics practice of PT after ACL surgery

The physicians of Great Basin Orthopaedics
Shoulder pain? It could be your rotator cuff.

If it hurts to brush your hair or throw a baseball, and the pain doesn’t go away after a few days, you could have a rotator cuff tear. It’s a pretty common cause of shoulder pain and disability among adults, and it’s the most commonly torn structure in the shoulder.
Lindsey Vonn – exceptional athlete, not so exceptional injury

Lindsey Vonn’s talent and fearlessness on a ski slope may be quite rare, but unfortunately, her recent knee injury is a little more common.
Long Search for the Right Surgeon Pays Off for Avid Cyclist.
“I don’t want surgery,” Jenny Frayer told Dr. Thomas Fyda on her first visit to Great Basin Orthopaedics in 2007. “But it’s getting harder and harder to live with my knee the way it is.”
At 53 years old, the avid cyclist ended up in Dr. Fyda’s exam room reluctantly.
When It Comes to Bone Health, Not All Dairy Is Created Equal.
A study by researchers at the Institute for Aging Research (IFAR) at Hebrew SeniorLife, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School (HMS), has found that dairy intake -- specifically milk and yogurt -- is associated with higher bone mineral density (BMD) in the hip, but not the spine.
Being overweight could be causing your knee pain
If you’re dealing with chronic knee pain and didn’t sustain an injury, you may need to consider body weight. Osteoarthritis in the knees can be caused by excess body weight.
What Is Flatfoot and Why Should We Worry About It?

By Richard Hayes, MD, Great Basin Orthopaedics
Some of us have genetically flat feet without much arch. We may wear arch supports or custom orthotics to improve our comfort when walking.
Motorcycle riding chef is cooking again

After a double leg fracture, Alberto Gazzola is cooking again, both on the track and in the kitchen.
The owner of La Vecchia Italian Bistro loves to let loose on a motorcycle, pushing his limits, and speeds of 170 mph, on amateur road racing tracks around the West.
Want healthy bones? Eat mushrooms!

Mushrooms can provide as much Vitamin D as supplements according to researchers.