Our recreational activities require more planning and vigilance now that we’re living in a COVID-19 world. Click here to learn more.
Our Hand Injury Specialists Support Your Recovery

We use our hands and wrists for so many things that it can be easy to take them for granted. But when something goes wrong, we realize how indispensable they are to our daily lives.
Avoiding injury in the office

When we think of workplace injuries, most of us probably picture a construction site rather than an office. But OSHA reports that musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) account for more than $15 billion in workers’ compensation costs every year.
Winter fitness: go in, go out, but go!

In part I of this series, we discussed the importance of maintaining fitness throughout the winter months.
Don’t wait until spring to find your fitness

Winter can really put a damper on your fitness. Cold, wet weather can pose significant challenges for fair-weather athletes. And who doesn’t want to stay curled up under blankets on a gloomy day?
Let it snow (but take precautions!)

Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But the fire is so delightful,
And since we've no place to go,
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
The opioid threat

You’ve no doubt heard of the opioid epidemic raging across the United States. But did you know that Nevada has been particularly hard hit with an average rate of 87.5 prescriptions per 100 residents, compared to 66 at the national level?
Don’t press your luck, use common sense with ladders

Superstitions often have rational roots. While some superstitions just seem silly — like Friday the 13th being unlucky or a bird pooping on you being lucky — the one about walking under a ladder being unlucky makes sense.
From a proud mother

"Wow! Today is the one-year anniversary of Jim’s shoulder surgery. As he said by email, “if you had told me a year ago that I would be here, I’d tell you that you have a sick and twisted sense of humor.” Dream big; work hard.
Why physical therapy matters

If you’ve hurt yourself, or had orthopaedic surgery, chances are good you’ve spent at least some time with a physical therapist.